Forums - Dasrik,Mt, Spiderdan, Kdcmarvel, Viscant(MvC1) Show all 46 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Dasrik,Mt, Spiderdan, Kdcmarvel, Viscant(MvC1) ( Posted by newbie on 10:17:2001 06:31 AM: Dasrik,Mt, Spiderdan, Kdcmarvel, Viscant(MvC1) If any of you have the time and still remember the game well(I know, it was a long time ago), please start a teaching thread about MvC1. I have several doubts about the game and I'm sure some others have it too, but it won't be a "near impossible to answer everything" thread as the MvC2 ones. In like 6 months, it will be released the MvC1 rom for fonal burn, and it would be interesting to knwo what really works in that game to have some top level fights on the net. I hope one of you can help me. Thanks a lot Posted by State of Nature on 10:17:2001 07:02 AM: Yeah, I'm interested in who's top tier in this game and why. Posted by Sabin on 10:17:2001 07:22 AM: I'll try to contribute to this thread whenever I have some time. First off, someone needs to ask some questions so I can answer them! About the top tier, it is generally considered to be Strider/WM/GWM/Wolvie/Red Venom. My personal opinion is that Hulk is in the top tier as well. If anyone needs any clarification on anything, just ask. How is there supposed to be a "teach MVC1" thread if there's no questions to answer? Posted by Dasrik on 10:17:2001 07:39 AM: Okay, here's some assorted "you-never-saw-this-shit-before" bullshit you can throw into an already stupid game. I'm surprised none of this caught on before, but hey... towards the end of a game's life, people will go with what works. Hulk - I am surprised that so many people think Hulk is hard to use. His core moves are jump short, stand fierce (cancelled into helper summon or sj.), and block/throw. Against people that can't really throw that well, metered Hulk can just place himself in the corner and dare all comers to attack him. They get within grabbing range, they just bought themselves a hideous death by way of throw, Gamma Quake, throw again. Shadow Lady/Lou trap - Basically, the trap is, drop Lou, fire missiles, reposition and repeat. That's it. If you have a first character that can carve out a lead in a hurry (say, Red Venom), you can use Shadow Lady to sit on that lead and kill time for 235623623 seconds. The few things it's vulnerable to (Blodia Punch, Shinkuu Hadoken) are characters that Shadow Lady can rush down anyway. Lilith/Strider - If you are one of the 5 people who played Morrigan seriously, you might try this team on for size. Lilith/Strider have a particularly nasty duo that requires very little micromanagement (unless QCF+PP, QCF+KK x N is too big a step up from QCF+KK x N for you). That means that the Morrigan mosquito style that is probably her best style of play can actually give you something good to work with - a damaging duo. You can't just rain Soul Fists down, though (that doesn't really work anyway). Posted by sayiajin1 on 10:17:2001 07:52 AM: i got a question. since i refuse to play with rine or wm i use strider and captain america. i would like to know a really gay trap with them. generally i just abuse captain americas double jump air combo and for strider i use jab, short, strong, low forward then launch with low fierce. i then press jab short strong double jump jab short strong forward then jab dragon punch which is that sword swipe shit. on the ground i just do oros when i have about 1 meter and a half then teleport to them and call assist. once assist comes out i usually either try and teleport behind them or poke to build meter. if i have that assist where the guy blows up after a while, (forgot his name) i try and force them in the corner and then pke while oros have them in blockstun. if they push block then you teleport immediately. anyway can you give me some advanced traps with strider and others. hey sabin i heard that you were guard breaking niggas wit red venom at b5. can u explain this cause ive never seen it done. once these are answered i will ask some more although i hardly play this game its still better than mshvssf which is the worst vs game in my opinion. Posted by Enk!ndu on 10:17:2001 04:11 PM: Strider and Commando are numero uno IMO, with Michelle Heart as the assist. My favorite fun team is either Gambit/Hulk, with Collosus, or Hulk/Ryu with Collosus. I agree with Sabin that Hulk is top tier in MvC1. S sayiajin1 it looks like you have a pretty solid strat. I wouldn't add or change anything. Posted by sayiajin1 on 10:18:2001 06:30 AM: yeah its a decent strat but id like some captain america stuff if anyone knows anything interesting about him. i saw a guy do some nice captain america and chunli shit in the corner once. then again this is before i started going to cf so at the time i thought it was nice. it went something like get three meters then do that crossover shit so both characters are out. once opponent is in corner do qcf kk this will activate chunlis thousand burst special and cap charging star special. naturally one of them ends before the other does so he would just keep starting one when it finished. this shit does alot of chip damage and people tried to push block it but they couldnt stop it. it just seems to simple to me i know there is more to this game than shit like this. i could see gold warmachine and war machine doing this with proton cannons but not cap and the bitch. anyway any good captain america strats or just advanced strats for anyone except rine would be greatly appreciated. Posted by newbie on 10:18:2001 06:47 AM: Thanks, Dasrik, and thanks, Sabin. I hope you guys can help me out here. I know something about how the top tiers works, but it's just a vague idea, so I would like to make my knowledge better on that. First, I would like to know what is about the game of WM/GWM. I know(well, I think) that the main goal of this team is to chip with the duo, but how do this team batteries, fight without the duo and stands individually against each one of the other top tiers? (includig Hulk if you want). Thanks a lot BTW: I just thought about it. I don't know if you guys know exactly how mt's TT works, but anyways I just want the tactics for american tourney play style, since I'll never be able to spent an huge amount of time learning throw angles and frames, so all my questions that involve Wolverine in the future should be about the "rushdown" wolvie(except if there's other good style that I don't know). Thanks again Posted by soujiroten on 10:18:2001 07:12 AM: Ok... who's top tier and why. Gold War Machine is tops, for a couple of reasons. #1, you can't combo him, and his s.forward beats just about everything, SINCE you can't combo him. Most supers don't hurt him much, Captain Sword's most damaging part is the final hit, and that never connects if you play GWM right. He only takes 75% of the damage other characters take. He's pretty solid all around. Got terrific air attacks (knees, j. strong, j. fierce beam), and that's where he should be anyway. He is *THE* man to have in a Duo, as his War Destroyer hurts a lot, and does insane chip, and it will *always* connect, since you can't put him in hitstun. Regular War Machine is also terrific. He's got a couple of fairly easy infinites, one in the corner on a grounded opponent, another on a launched opponent. His flight is terrific, can only really be taken down by capcom or Hulk (Gamma Crush). He pretty much sticks to the air as well. He shares the 'great in a duo' quality with GWM, despite his non-super armor, thanks to the insane chip damage on the war destroyer. Red Venom is up there as well, due to his fairly easy infinites, insane walking speed and throwing range. His low fierce is better than regular Venom's, since he's got the same range, but it comes out *faster* and has the same priority. He can walk under many projectiles. Playing Red Venom is pretty much walking the line between victory and defeat, however... the guy takes damage like the grass beneath an elephant battle. Regardless, if you can infinite the other guy, it doesn't matter. Wolverine's rushdown and crouch-cancel infinite make him really good in this game. In fact, not many characters can stand up to a rushdown wolvie. Dash jab, short, repeat. Even if they pushblock, you can dash in before they recover completely and lock them down with the jab, short again. That dashing jab has *insane* priority. The only real wolvie-killers are the guys mentioned above, because they *don't* get locked down on the ground. If you connect with the dashing jab, go into autocombo (short, c.forward, c.fierce, super). You can do a crouch-canceling infinite with him as well. Strider is the last person to think about. Strider can build meter while he's got the rings around him, and the rings last a hell of a lot longer than in MvC2... so he's pretty nasty. Also terrific to have in a duo, since his Legion super chips a lot too, and hits pretty much almost full screen. Most of the chip damage will be done if your opponent is grounded. No real infinites, but he makes up for it in priority. Standing forward and jumping fierce are CRAZY priority moves. He's got his 40% non-super combo (s. strong, s. fierce, s. rh, jab DP), terrific supers by himself (rings) and terrific duo super (legion). Also worthy mentions are Venom (infinite, high priority fierce), Chun Li (crossup bullshit with her stomp xx j.fierce, launch->shichiseii), and Hulk. Pretty much everyone in the game (except Roll and Morrigan, since they SUCK) has at least one or two abuseable tactics. It's just that the above characters have *MORE* abuseable tactics that are just way too good. From what I remember, Viscant is famous for his Wolverine/Zangief team (who performs the age-old triple option), Spider-Dan started the double Venom trend, and I'm not sure who did the double war machines first, but pretty much everyone knows (and uses) them. --SJ PS. If you *really* want to irk someone, you can do a chun li/ShaLa team and pull off the 'meat grinder' duo... duo, get one on each side, and mash rh. Lightning legs on both sides of the opponent, which will *NOT* end until you stop mashing. You also don't get pushed back. What's it mean? You chip them to death, then bounce the body back and forth (not allowing the other character in) until timer reaches 00 and you win. Or your arm gets tired, whichever comes first. Posted by teammember001 on 10:19:2001 10:40 PM: I want to know how to play wolverine against WM. I remember Viscant talking that, against spiderman, wolvie should or go into the c,jab, c.short sequence, or do the stomp into combos, but i don't know if that's how he should be played against the other tops. also, about the stomp, should it be done mostly high from teh air or close to the ground? Posted by Voodoo on 10:19:2001 11:06 PM: What are some of the best Helpers to have, and how do you select them? Posted by Digicore2001 on 10:19:2001 11:41 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik Lilith/Strider - If you are one of the 5 people who played Morrigan seriously, you might try this team on for size. Lilith/Strider have a particularly nasty duo that requires very little micromanagement (unless QCF+PP, QCF+KK x N is too big a step up from QCF+KK x N for you). That means that the Morrigan mosquito style that is probably her best style of play can actually give you something good to work with - a damaging duo. You can't just rain Soul Fists down, though (that doesn't really work anyway). Can you elaborate on this more? I guess I'm one of those 5 people that use Morrigan. Morrigan/Lilith rule! Posted by Josh-TheFunkDOC on 10:20:2001 12:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by Voodoo What are some of the best Helpers to have, and how do you select them? I don't recall the codes (they're at GameFAQs), but I do remember there being two really good helpers: Lou and Colossus. Lou's a "projectile" type assist, he shoots 3 (I think) arrows. Colossus was the scrub favorite; he starts out in the air so he can hit people higher up, he has really good priority, and even the biggest scrub can land a super after connecting this assist. Josh the FunkDOC Posted by arcticninja on 10:20:2001 12:24 AM: Does anyone want to post any Red Venom or Wolverine infinites? I'm kind of a scrub at this game. Hey Arturo, are there any advantages of using Orange Hulk over regular Hulk? Also, one of the characters I use is Captain America. Does anyone know a better combo than the one I'm using? c. jab, c. strong, c. fierce, sj. jab, sj. jab, sj. jab, double jump, sj. jab, sj. short, sj. strong, sj. forward, sj. fierce (in corner add a sj. d+ roundhouse, c. fierce). Thanks in advance. Posted by Josh-TheFunkDOC on 10:20:2001 12:29 AM: quote: Originally posted by arcticninja Hey Arturo, are there any advantages of using Orange Hulk over regular Hulk? IIRC, Orange Hulk's way faster and combo-friendlier, but he takes ridiculous damage and (unlike Red Venom) also deals ridiculously low damage. Arturo could obviously go in-depth better than I could on this, so just wait for his reply. Josh the FunkDOC Posted by FMJaguar on 10:20:2001 03:12 AM: - Was TT some kind of mythical strat, or did something ever come of it, i wasn't here for whenever it started. So i really am not caught up on what happened. - Where is my arturo match play footage from B5? Better be on DVD too!! - Why isn't hulk subceptable to all the duo combinations? or does he just get in before that happens. Again I fell out of MvC1 a while back, but i haven't seen a game that is as fast paced, so i figure it might be worth taking up again. Posted by powermachine on 10:20:2001 03:20 AM: What about Strider? How should s top strider play. Is the best turtle with d.HPs against antiairs and Mks against dashers, rushdown with j. HP, j. HK and standing mediums or it goes beyond all that. What's the best order and assist to a striderine team? I like colossus cause he gives huge combos for strider and lou cause he's teh wolverine's mistake eraser. thanks Posted by Sicx on 10:20:2001 03:45 AM: YAH ASK FURBY HE DID WIN IT ALL AT ok Posted by Dasrik on 10:20:2001 07:58 AM: quote: Originally posted by soujiroten Regular War Machine is also terrific. He's got a couple of fairly easy infinites, one in the corner on a grounded opponent, another on a launched opponent. His flight is terrific, can only really be taken down by capcom or Hulk (Gamma Crush). He pretty much sticks to the air as well. He shares the 'great in a duo' quality with GWM, despite his non-super armor, thanks to the insane chip damage on the war destroyer. Hulk can't really take WM out of flight. His Gamma Crush is (1) easy to see and (2) rollable. However, Shadow Lady can take him out rather easily. quote: Pretty much everyone in the game (except Roll and Morrigan, since they SUCK) has at least one or two abuseable tactics. It's just that the above characters have *MORE* abuseable tactics that are just way too good. Um, actually, Roll can work. She has throw combo resets in the corner and her Beat Plane is just as potent a chipper as Megaman's. Morrigan, however, is no real threat at any time. I'd stick her and Jin at the bottom (maybe regular Ryu if you count all three forms as separate characters). quote: Originally posted by teammember001 want to know how to play wolverine against WM. I remember Viscant talking that, against spiderman, wolvie should or go into the c,jab, c.short sequence, or do the stomp into combos, but i don't know if that's how he should be played against the other tops. also, about the stomp, should it be done mostly high from teh air or close to the ground? I can't give any really practical advice, since I don't use Wolverine. But I do know that you should try to stomp as low to the ground as possible to prevent certain counterattacks (WM s.rh, Hulk's gamma quake). quote: Originally posted by arcticninja Hey Arturo, are there any advantages of using Orange Hulk over regular Hulk? Actually, AFAIK, I am the ONLY person qualified to field any questions about Orange Hulk. Um, the answer to that question is... there are NO real advantages to picking Orange Hulk over Hulk. What O.J. has is better speed, jabs with huge range, and a better priority-and-speed s.roundhouse. He's more ground-based than Hulk, and MAY have an edge over Hulk on Zangief. But really, regular Hulk is better. Posted by Dasrik on 10:20:2001 08:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by FMJaguar - Was TT some kind of mythical strat, or did something ever come of it, i wasn't here for whenever it started. So i really am not caught up on what happened. TT = throw tactics, as far as I know. It's just taking full advantage of people's throw range, especially Wolverine (who, for some reason mankind shall never know, has the best throw range in the game, especially in the air). I know Loyd (FluffyXXL) was experimenting with it at one time. I know Wolverine can totally kill Hulk if he knows how to throw. quote: - Why isn't hulk subceptable to all the duo combinations? or does he just get in before that happens. Again I fell out of MvC1 a while back, but i haven't seen a game that is as fast paced, so i figure it might be worth taking up again. I'm guessing Art stuck Hulk in against GWM, and RV against everyone else. Duo weakness is a big big problem with Hulk, but he can do a lot of damage to GWM without taking a lot in return. Posted by powermachine on 10:20:2001 12:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik TT = throw tactics, as far as I know. It's just taking full advantage of people's throw range, especially Wolverine (who, for some reason mankind shall never know, has the best throw range in the game, especially in the air). I know Loyd (FluffyXXL) was experimenting with it at one time. I know Wolverine can totally kill Hulk if he knows how to throw. Let me add that, at the right angles, Wolverine can throw any physical move in the game. And that's what make the strat so powerful, cause if wolvie gets the right angles and throws at the right frames nobody can hit him out of it. I'm just repeating what I read here, cause of course I'll never be able to perform it. Posted by beta on 10:20:2001 12:11 PM: What is RV's game about . I know you want to land the infinite and then GB the next chr, but how do I shoud play before that? And what's the inf and the gb? Posted by strider_hien on 10:20:2001 02:00 PM: quote: Originally posted by Dasrik Hulk can't really take WM out of flight. His Gamma Crush is (1) easy to see and (2) rollable. However, Shadow Lady can take him out rather easily. You can roll out of a gamma crush? As for TT: Wolverine has an insane range for throwing. Personally, for Wolverine, i throw whenever possible, and if they don't roll, you can follow up wit a dash in, then launcher etc.... quote: Originally posted by Soujiroten Regular War Machine is also terrific. He's got a couple of fairly easy infinites, one in the corner on a grounded opponent, another on a launched opponent. His flight is terrific, can only really be taken down by capcom or Hulk (Gamma Crush). He pretty much sticks to the air as well. He shares the 'great in a duo' quality with GWM, despite his non-super armor, thanks to the insane chip damage on the war destroyer. I like using regular war machine, i can do his ground infinite, but how do you do the one on a launched opponent? Do you mean the re-jump one j.wp,, j.u+fp, repeat? Posted by REALPLAYER on 10:20:2001 08:51 PM: What are RV's infinite(s) and guard break(s)? Posted by Mulliggan on 10:20:2001 11:51 PM: how would a well played gambit be, i never liked throwing or diong infinites b4 mvC2 so i dont know much bout that aspect of him, but what i did was have collusus assist to get in the QCB+kk super and use that super to chip as well with the trick card and regular one and sorta keep away with and use c. fp cause it got mad range Posted by REALPLAYER on 10:21:2001 12:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mulliggan how would a well played gambit be, i never liked throwing or diong infinites b4 mvC2 so i dont know much bout that aspect of him, but what i did was have collusus assist to get in the QCB+kk super and use that super to chip as well with the trick card and regular one and sorta keep away with and use c. fp cause it got mad range ABUSE Gambits Cajun Strike (d,u + any button) moves!! Those are his best moves. They're much like triangle jumps. What I do is throw out a trick/kinetic card while charging, and then do them afterwards. Posted by DrewSpiegel on 10:21:2001 12:51 AM: Sabin... Some time ago you spoke of a wierd Strider combo that does the most damage. Could you repost that for me. Thanks. Posted by Mulliggan on 10:21:2001 04:00 PM: oh ya i forgot i did those too but since MvC2 is out that shit is so easy to see coming cause its alot faster in MvC2, it also has good recovery so most of the time u can beat them out with a low short or something Posted by Sabin on 10:21:2001 07:08 PM: Sorry about not responding to this thread, but I've been in Va the whole week (for GT tourney) and i haven't had internet access..I'll post some strats when I get a chance today. - Arturo Posted by Spider-Dan on 10:23:2001 12:18 AM: Red Venom: Low fierce is best tool from 1/3 screen or more, poke away (insanely fast, high priority, damaging), if they call Colossus you MUST roll after one hit (this is key with both Venoms as Colossus will always hit the edge of their arms, providing ample opportunity to roll). Low strong is faster/safer but less range, slightly better anti air. RV's strong throw is not tech hittable. Infinite setups to come later. Posted by KungfuJoe on 10:23:2001 02:07 AM: I have several question Why is Red Venom so faired in a fight? DWM what so important about them? I always thought that strider was the number 1 character in MVC only because of his priority and ability to build meter. If I'am wrong then who is? I recall KDCmarvel mention that Wolvies has chance to beat Giefs(the pixie killer) triple option, and DWM is it because of TT or is it something else. This one for Sabin what makes the Hulk top tier? just wondering that is all. Posted by Iceman on 10:23:2001 02:16 AM: Thanks Spider-Dan. I was going to ask what some good set-ups where tonight. Posted by KungfuJoe on 10:23:2001 02:29 AM: there is one thing that I did forget what is the Spiderman/Red Venom lockdown I keep hearing about? Posted by powerful on 10:27:2001 05:25 PM: Where are the experts? want to know how to play a top striderine team. Anyone? Posted by soujiroten on 10:27:2001 09:40 PM: Why is Red Venom feared? #1. He's super super fast. He can't dash, because he doesn't have to. He walks faster than most characters dash. #2. Everything for him chains into everything else, and they have both huge priority and almost no recovery time. #3. His throw 'webs' you, so it gives him a free combo whenever he throws you. Also, his throw has giant range, which is easily abuseable thanks to his speed. And here's the kicker: #4. He's got multiple infinites which can be started from his throw. The only drawback: He takes damage like a pussy. Now.. what's so good about DWM? #1. War Machine has a few infinites, he's got the most maneuverable flight (only flight, I think) in the game, and his smart bombs are really good. His dive knee is nasty, and his jumping strong and fierce have awesome priority. #2. GWM takes 75% of the damage anyone else does (except Red Venom... I think he takes like 1/3 the damage RV takes). GWM has super duper armor. GWM's stand forward will (eventually) beat any/everything that hits it. And, since he's got super duper armor, many supers are ineffective against you (Chun Li's Shichiseii, CapCom's Captain Sword, Wolverine's Weapon X, etc.). So all you have to do is hover in the air with shoulder cannons and smart bombs to build meter. And here's the kicker for DWM: #3. In a duo (qcb+fierce+roundhouse), when both are on the screen at once, you can do war destroyer repeatedly for an easy 40-60% chip damage to a blocking opponent. No way to escape it, unless you're Zangief and somehow get lucky and FAB one of them. If you don't block, your character dies. This is similar to the Strider/WM duo, except you can actually take *less* block damage from the Strider/WM duo because fewer birds hit than missiles if you superjump. No such luck with the double War Destroyers. Also, the double War Destroyers makes it *very* hard to counter on an arcade machine, because it has a tendency to make all 3 (or 4) characters on screen vanish due to overloading the graphics processor on the game itself. Spider-Man/(Red) Venom Lockdown: Pull a duo, have spider-man throw a (jab) web ball and (Red) Venom run up and throw them before the ball hits. If they're 'webbed' from the throw and the web ball hits them, they will be 'handcuffed' and unable to fight until spidey or (red) venom hit them again. Tough to pull off in a real fight. To play striderine, just play wolvie lockdown and strider rushdown... I think I posted them in the past already. If you want to be a top player, you'll have to start innovating for yourself. --SJ Posted by War_Destroyer on 10:28:2001 07:57 AM: quote: Originally posted by soujiroten I'm not sure who did the double war machines first... ...hehe...guess... Posted by War_Destroyer on 10:28:2001 08:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by Voodoo What are some of the best Helpers to have, and how do you select them? Along w/Colossus 'n Lou, you may wanna pick psylocke against red venom because of her increased priority over Colossus and faster entry into the screen. Also, Michelle Heart is a great counter for War Machine because she'll come in and shoot him even if he's in the air! Posted by War_Destroyer on 10:28:2001 08:41 AM: Counters One important thing in this game that effects play severely is character advantages... Even more severe than MVC-2; the right character playing the correct opponent can put you at a definite advantage. Here's a rundown of commonly used players: Wolverine: Use GWM to shut down his rush offense. He can hit 'n run, but can't hit and hit. (get it?) Opponents feel the need to do supers to a character who can't block, but trade all of wolvies supers for a TT or even just a launch/combo to come ahead in the damage trade. Strider: A good War Machine is a good choice vs. strider, but won't put you at a incredibly big advantage. (in other words, don't expect a free win vs. a good Strider) Play keep away/battery and go for the flying repeating combo's when he chases. Red Venom: As hard as it is for Venom players to swallow (not mentioning names), GWM vs. Red Venom is IMO the most imbalanced fight in the game. From the moment it says "Fight" Red Venom will be fighting a losing battle. If he throws, jab, throw, just jump and kick him with LK -> D+HP to keep him at bay. Use common sense and beat his ass. Also, Strider + rings is good if you can get advantage early. (use Psy rather than Colossus) But, in contrary, if used correctly, he can beat down all other characters with his many infinites. War Machine: Wolverine and Chun-li give this guy some problems. Jumping up with Wolverines LP will keep him from that angle he loves to be at right over your head. Chun-li has the same effect, but doesn't have as much priority as Wolvie jumping up, but has a vicious super to do if she catches him while going up. Chun-li: Hmmm...Wolverine does a good job of keeping her on the ground, but again, not a really BIG advantage. Red Venom eats her alive because she can't counters the picking as well as others. Gold War Machine: Strider would be my first choice to use. The rings will be more effective on him than to others cause he can't block shit. People think Chun-li's bubble is a good counter, but could be dodged almost always if your playing a good GWM player plus he still can retaliate if you don't kill him off with it. The regular WM gives him a run for his money too, missles 'n cannons for a non-blocking character tend to work well. Posted by ranmasama on 10:28:2001 02:49 PM: I need help on Zangief. I need to know what is his "triple option." I remember Viscant talking about it but he didn't explain what it is but I think it has to do with is launch(cr. mk). Posted by soujiroten on 10:28:2001 10:10 PM: the Triple Option is the old old technique used for gief way back in the day. Here's how it works: Launch him somehow. This can be done through either a c.strong or a strong throw. Super-jump after him and jab, forward, kick lariat. As they fall, do a jumping straight-up knees (d+forward). As they fall from *that*, you have 3 options: 1. FAB 2. re-launch for another combo (c.strong) 3. strong throw (pretty much the same as relaunch) If I remember right... I don't think anyone's done the 3O in a long long time. It keeps them guessing, because you can do any of the options and keep the opponent guessing. --SJ Posted by luigi on 11:02:2001 03:33 AM: What's the basic top tier WM's game? How to beat it using Wolverine? Posted by Dasrik on 11:02:2001 10:44 AM: War Machine is not too hard, it's just a matter of knowing what to do. Regardless of whether you fly or not, it's important to know the range of his jumping fierce and to abuse it. Keep them in the zone where they risk getting hit by it if they advance. Drop some smart bombs occasionally to chip. Use stand forward occasionally to repel dash-ins. If you do fly, use your maneuverability to stay away from the enemy's attacks and to counter with air fierce. You can also build a lot of meter while flying, by holding up-back and fierce while airdashing continuously. How to beat WM with Wolverine? Ehhh... screw Wolvie's ratty ass. Figure it out. Posted by War_Destroyer on 11:02:2001 12:01 PM: quote: Originally posted by luigi What's the basic top tier WM's game? How to beat it using Wolverine? Rush his Missle-shootin' ass down. Counter his knee dives with rising high jump air combo's, and when he's not flying, stomp his head to death. Also, Fatal Claws work good to finish off WM over-aggresive ass. Posted by War_Destroyer on 11:02:2001 12:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by ranmasama I need help on Zangief. I need to know what is his "triple option." I remember Viscant talking about it but he didn't explain what it is but I think it has to do with is launch(cr. mk). I remember this technique back in the day!!!! Drill claw away, or fly to escape. (hopefully, you got Wolvie or WM at this point.) Posted by Dasrik on 11:03:2001 08:00 AM: Oh, one thing I neglected to mention about War Machine - learn his fly infinite: FL.Jab -> FL.Strong -> FL.UP+Fierce xx Airdash Up-Forward, repeat When flying runs out, you cancel up+Fierce with another fly to continue the combo. It takes timing, but it's real easy to learn and set up (off of a regular air combo ending in up+Fierce), and using WM's airdash and up+Roundhouse, there are so many ways to uncombo it it's silly. Posted by hayato15 on 11:08:2001 04:55 AM: Can you guys teach me the basics for Strider advanced game? Also, how to play strider against a very good War Machien and against a evry good RV? Thanks a lot If anyone have the time to tell me how to beat RV with Wolverine too... thank you very much All times are GMT. The time now is 10:44 PM. Show all 46 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.